Degustando...for Charity 06/06/2014 @ "La Dolce Vita" Restaurant_Post Event

10 六月 2014


Once more, on Friday June 6th, "Degustando 品尝" tasting event took place at "La Dolce Vita" Italian Restaurant.


Jointly organized by CICC and 100ITA, the dinner kicked off with a mouth-watering truffle flavoured pizza. The menu’ included "Amatriciana" pasta and roast chicken as main courses, and coffee cheesecake and tiramisu served in "Segafredo" glass cups.


Participants engaged in a charity auction with some top quality Italian products such as white truffle and wine. Fundraising will help “OVCI Our Family” implement children and disable care in Beijing.


Thank you for your support and see you soon!







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