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19 Aprile 2024

April 13th, 2024, the first day of China International Consumer Products Expo (Hainan Expo 2024), the China-Italy Chamber of...

19 Aprile 2024

Ringraziamo tutti coloro che venerdì 19 aprile 2024 hanno partecipato all’Assemblea Generale Elettiva della Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina (...

18 Aprile 2024

CICC would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the individuals and organizations who played a part in making the Hainan Expo an...

Notice of the General Office of Ministry of Commerce Regarding Helping Foreign Trade Enterprises to Cope with Difficulties and Reduce Losses amid Epidemic
14 Febbraio 2020

Dear Members and Friends,

the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce through the Embassy of Italy in the PRC kindly inform you that the General Office of Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) published a Notice Regarding Helping Foreign Trade Enterprises to Cope with Difficulties and Reduce Losses amid Epidemic.

Survey: the impact of the novel coronavirus pneumonia on the Italian Business Community in China
13 Febbraio 2020

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) decided to conduct a Survey: "The impact of the COVID-19" of its Members on the impact of the novel coronavirus pneumonia on their operations in China. The survey will start today February 13th and the results will be collected until Wednesday February 19th.

Elezione Consiglio Direttivo Biennio 2020-2021 - Convocazione Assemblea Generale Elettiva - POSTICIPATA - 30 marzo 2020
13 Febbraio 2020

a seguito dei recenti sviluppi riguardanti il Coronavirus, l’Assemblea Generale Elettiva prevista per il giorno 6 marzo 2020, verrà posticipata in data 30 marzo 2020. Per esercitare il diritto di voto sarà necessario associarsi alla CCIC entro e non oltre il 6 marzo 2020. I Soci che intendono proporsi per le cariche sociali devono presentare la propria candidatura via mail all’indirizzo entro il giorno 13 marzo 2020.

Summary of Official Policies and News on the 2019-NCOV
11 Febbraio 2020

Following the spread of the COVID-19 originated in the city of Wuhan, in the Chinese province of Hubei, it is recommended to avoid all trips to the province of Hubei and to postpone unnecessary trips to China, also in compliance with the measures implemented by the Chinese authorities for the containment of coronaviruses (restrictions on circulation in many areas of the country, temporary closure of many public offices, postponement of the reopening of schools and universities, cancellation of trade fairs, closure of various tourist attractions and possible gathering places ).

CICC WEBINAR organization service
11 Febbraio 2020

Dear Members and Friends of CICC,

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) offers support to the companies for the organization of Webinar, in order to deal with the most sensitive issues of the moment.


CICC Offices reopening date and time (after CNY)
07 Febbraio 2020

following recent developments regarding the novel Coronavirus, we inform you that the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce will reopen on Monday February 10th 2020 on a Smart Working mode: the CICC offices will remain closed but the staff will be at your disposal every day from 10.00 to 19.00, Beijing time.
For more information contact us at:

Kind Regards,

La posizione della Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina circa la situazione della epidemia da Coronavirus
03 Febbraio 2020

La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina (CCIC) esprime solidarietà alla Repubblica Popolare Cinese per il difficile momento che sta attraversando causato dall’epidemia del Coronavirus e per le conseguenti perdite. Esprime inoltre il suo apprezzamento in primis per le modalità di gestione dell'emergenza e in secundis per la velocità con cui è stata identificata e condivisa la mappa genomica del virus. Questo è stato il punto di partenza per una proficua ed efficiente collaborazione con gli altri Paesi nel contenimento della diffusione dello stesso.

Coronavirus nCOV-2019: recommendations and advices
30 Gennaio 2020

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), coronaviruses are a family of viruses that cause illness ranging from respiratory infections such as the common cold, to more severe diseases such as SARS-CoV (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome ) and MERS-CoV  (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome ) that can be lethal. Coronaviruses are zoonotic, meaning they are transmitted between animals and people.

The 2nd call of INNOWWIDE to fund Viability Assessment Projects (VAPs) is open!
29 Gennaio 2020

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is happy to announce that the 2nd call of INNOWWIDE to fund Viability Assessment Projects (VAPs) has been opened on the 15th of January, with a deadline for submission of applications on the 31st of March 2020. Please see attached the press release.

Opening office Postponed: CICC offices will reopen on Feb 10th
27 Gennaio 2020

Following official communications from local authorities about Coronavirus, CICC’s offices will be closed from Friday, January 24th 2020 till Friday February 7th 2020. We will reopen on Monday February 10th 2020. 


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