Latest News

13 Giugno 2024

On June 12th ,2024, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce successfully organized B·Plan tech company tour and SACE roadshow in Tianfu New Area,...

13 Giugno 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to inform you that the Welcome Summer Networking Aperitif in collaboration with the Accademia...

11 Giugno 2024

On June 28-29, the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong and Macao (ICC HK·Macao) and the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) jointly...

I risultati della Survey “The impact of the novel Coronavirus Pneumonia on the Italian business community in China”
21 Febbraio 2020

Cari Soci e cari Amici della CCIC,

Giovedì 20 febbraio sono stati presentati i risultati della Survey: “The impact of the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia on the Italian business community in China".

NEWS - Yiwu Government policy measures
21 Febbraio 2020

NEWS - Yiwu Government policy measures

Sport Working Group (SWG) - Italy China Travel Club (ICTC) Working Group Coordinator and Vice-Coordinators Elections – POSTPONED
17 Febbraio 2020

Dear CICC Members and Friends,

The Italy China Travel Club (ICTC) Working Group and the Sport Working Group (SWG) will be merged into a single Working Group.

The ICTC – SWG Coordinator and Vice-Coordinators Elections, scheduled on February 25th, will be postponed to March 10th.

Update webinar on COVID-19, 20 February 2020
17 Febbraio 2020

Dear Members and Friends of CICC,

Following February 13th’s webinar on COVID-19, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce would like to provide an update session on the matter.

The webinar will be online on Thursday, February 20th from 4pm to 6pm Beijing time.

CICC Members - Reopening of activities/production after CNY
14 Febbraio 2020

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce conducted an investigation among its Members to find out the reopening date of the offices and or production after the Chinese New Year, considering the delays due to the coronavirus ​COVID-19.

POST EVENT - Webinar on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
14 Febbraio 2020

Dear Members and Friends,

China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to inform you that the Webinar on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) was successfully held on Thursday, February 13th.

Call for Speakers: Update Webinar on COVID-19
14 Febbraio 2020

Dear Members and Friends of CICC,

Following February 13th’s webinar on COVID-19, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce would like to provide an update session on the matter.

Beijing Municipal Government Policies during the prevention and control of the epidemic situation
14 Febbraio 2020

Requested by the Beijing Investment Promotion Bureau, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce kindly ask you to pay attention to the following relevant documents about Beijing Municipal Government​ policies and measures to prevent and control of the epidemic situation:

For any problems of your company, please call the Beijing Municipal Government's Enterprise Service Hotline: 010 - 12345.

Notice of the General Office of Ministry of Commerce Regarding Helping Foreign Trade Enterprises to Cope with Difficulties and Reduce Losses amid Epidemic
14 Febbraio 2020

Dear Members and Friends,

the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce through the Embassy of Italy in the PRC kindly inform you that the General Office of Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) published a Notice Regarding Helping Foreign Trade Enterprises to Cope with Difficulties and Reduce Losses amid Epidemic.

Survey: the impact of the novel coronavirus pneumonia on the Italian Business Community in China
13 Febbraio 2020

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) decided to conduct a Survey: "The impact of the COVID-19" of its Members on the impact of the novel coronavirus pneumonia on their operations in China. The survey will start today February 13th and the results will be collected until Wednesday February 19th.


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