Latest News

25 Luglio 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) successfully held its Monthly Networking Evening on Tuesday, July 23rd at CASANOVA, in Shanghai.

24 Luglio 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is looking for an intern for our office in Shanghai

23 Luglio 2024

On 16th July, the Chairman of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), Lorenzo Riccardi met with Zhang Jianye, General Manager of Leonardo (...

26 Dicembre 2023

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is now inviting candidacies for the new leadership of its Intellectual and Property Working Group (IPWG) for the term 2024-2026.

Flyer Event
POST EVENT | Introducing the “Hainan BOAO Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone” to Italy’s pharmaceutical industry
19 Dicembre 2023

In an online format held on December 12th, the Embassy of Italy to the P.R.C., the Italian Trade Agency, and the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce organized with Hainan BAOAO Lecheng Hengjun Business Service., the "Hainan BOAO Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone".

La CCIC consolida e rafforza i legami con i Partner in Italia
19 Dicembre 2023

Prosegue l’azione di rafforzamento dei rapporti con i partner italiani della nostra Camera di Commercio. Nei giorni scorsi, il Presidente Bazzoni è stato impegnato in Italia in incontri con alcuni degli stakeholder principali della CCIC.

CICC FBWG Elections Results 2023-2025
19 Dicembre 2023

Dear Members and Friends, we are pleased to announce the outcome of the vote for the positions of Coordinator and Vice-Coordinators of the Food & Beverage Working Group (FBWG).

RECAP | Shanghai Christmas Lunch, December 10th
12 Dicembre 2023

On the 10th of December, an enchanting Christmas Lunch was held at the distinguished restaurant Eat 'n Work, organized by the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) in collaboration with the Federation of Italian Chefs in China (FIC). 

Fast-track visa application for CICC members
06 Dicembre 2023

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to inform that the Embassy of Italy to the PRC, through the IVAC (Italian Visa Application Centers) services, made available a dedicated fast-track for visa application for CICC Members.

Candidates Election CICC FBWG 2023-2025
06 Dicembre 2023

We are glad to announce the candidates for the positions of Coordinator and Vice-Coordinator(s) of the Food & Beverage Working Group (FBWG)

Business Roundtable on Energy Transition in China, December 1st
06 Dicembre 2023

Hosted at the beautiful premises of EY Beijing, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce organised a business roundtable which discussed the Italian expertise and innovation in the path toward energy transition.

NOTTE ITALIANA 2023 | La comunità d'affari italiana in Cina riunita!
06 Dicembre 2023

Nella bella ed elegante cornice del Park Hyatt Hotel di Pechino la comunità d'affari italiana in Cina si è ritrovata numerosa a celebrare la fine di questo 2023, finalmente liberi dalle restrizioni pandemiche che ci avevano costretti a cancellare la passate tre edizioni.

Event Recap | 2023 Italian Community Christmas Lunch in Suzhou
05 Dicembre 2023

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) hosted 2023 Italian Community Christmas Lunch at the Shangri-La Hotel in Suzhou on December 3rd, 2023.


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