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Veneto Promozione - established in November 2011 by the Veneto regional Government and the Veneto Chambers of Commerce - is the Society for internationalization and the promotion of the Veneto economic system (industry, agriculture, trade, tourism, and tertiary sector). Representing more than 500.000 enterprises, Veneto Promozione organizes initiatives (trade and institutional missions, fairs, training activities, workshops, taylor-made assistance) aimed at supporting the cooperation between the Veneto companies and their foreign counterparts

National Major R&D Programme in China: call for proposals for research projects

China-Italy Chamber of Commerce reports the first call for proposals of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)  for the National Major R&D Programme in China.

National Major R&D Programme in China: call for proposals for research projects

China-Italy Chamber of Commerce reports the first call for proposals of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)  for the National Major R&D Programme in China.

Bandi per progetti pilota nell'ambito del National Major R&D Programme in Cina

La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina riporta di seguito le prime "call for proposals" del Ministero per la Scienza e Tecnologia (MOST) nell'ambito del National Major R&D Programme in Cina

Buyers' Night November 24th - Post Event

On November 24th, China-Italy Chamber of Commerce organized the second Buyers’ Night, an exclusive tasting and networking event.

Buyers' Night November 24th - Post Event

On November 24th, China-Italy Chamber of Commerce organized the second Buyers’ Night, an exclusive tasting and networking event.

Buyers' Night November 24th - Post Event

On November 24th, China-Italy Chamber of Commerce organized the second Buyers’ Night, an exclusive tasting and networking event.

I Nostri Gruppi di Lavoro!

I gruppi di lavoro radunano i rappresentanti di aziende appartenenti allo stesso settore economico, offrendo loro l`opportunità di incontrarsi regolarmente per condividere idee, problemi e risorse per operare in modo più efficace e per sviluppare nuovi progetti che massimizzino le energie di ognuno.


Regolamento dei Gruppi di Lavoro della CCIC


1. Un Gruppo di Lavoro si costituisce solo previa approvazione del Consiglio Direttivo della CCIC (Ref. Articolo dell’Associazione).



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