Joint Seminar - China and the Paradox of 100% Conformity

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China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, Shanghai, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai and the Benelux Chamber of Commerce in China, are pleased to invite you to the jointly organized seminar:
China and the Paradox of 100% Conformity

Get the real picture of Chinese factories learn how to better assess your suppliers in order to help you reach your quality and productivity goals.

While most buyers state that they select supplier factories which are fully compliant with Chinese social laws, in practice, compliance is hard to observe. Stories from the media reveal harsh conditions that employees face daily in supply chain factories.

With new regulations like REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemical substances), companies working with European laws need to have a greater awareness of the impact of such laws.

The seminar will take in consideration the compliance of production standards in China, with some more specific reference to REACH, a new European Community Regulation on chemicals and their safe use entered into force as from June 1st, 2007. The aim of REACH is to improve the protection of human health and the environment through the better and earlier identification of the intrinsic properties of chemical substances.

The REACH Regulation gives greater responsibility to industry to manage the risks from chemicals and to provide safety information on the substances. Manufacturers and importers will be required to gather information on the properties of their chemical substances, which will allow their safe handling, and to register the information in a central database run by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) in Helsinki. The Regulation also calls for the progressive substitution of the most dangerous chemicals when suitable alternatives have been identified.

Learn about the paradox of 100% conformity and how REACH affects you. Our panels of speakers will present the real picture of Chinese factories and how you can better assess your suppliers. Learn how to select the best ones with real potential for improvement and sustainable practices.


Pierig Vezin` Bio
Engineer in mechanics system, Pierig Vezin is an expert on working condition improvement and the importance of meeting working conditions to reach quality and productivity goals. Since 2006 he is working in WethicA: working condition assessment, improvement and management are his main activities, by providing services to companies to handle working condition is supplier`s factories.

Sam Y.S. Lee
Founder and CEO of InnoCSR, located in Shanghai, China. InnoCSR is a strategic CSR consultancy dedicated to Sustainable CSR programs that deliver high value for the society as well as the business. Prior to InnoCSR, Sam worked as a business consultant for Trilogy, and for the United Nations Children`s Fund (UNICEF). Sam holds an MBA from China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) and a B.A. from Korea University. Sam authored China MBA and co- authored In Search of Economic Frontier.


Information and Registration

Date: Wednesday, September 16th, 2009

Time: 8:00am - 10:00am

Venue:  Crown Lounge, 5th Floor, The Westin Bund Center, 88 Henan Central Road, Shanghai
             上海外滩中心威斯汀大饭店五楼皇冠厅, 上海市河南中路88号            

Language: English
Entry Fee: RMB 170/pax for CICC Members
                  RMB 220/pax for non CICC Members
                  (includes American set breakfast)
8:00am - 8:30am Registration & Breakfast
8:30am - 8:35am Welcome Remarks
8:35am - 9:00am First speaker
9:00am - 9:25am Second speaker
9:25am - 9:45am Q&A
9:45am - 9:50am Closing Remarks

Access is limited to 50 people only, based on e-mail pre-registration date.

Registration: Subscriptions must be confirmed with CICC by return e-mail to by September 11th, 2009.
Entry fees settled with CICC Shanghai office in advance, in cash or by bank transfer, before September 11th, 2009.

Cancellation policies: If you cancel your reservation informing us by e-mail 36 hours before the event, no fee will be applied and you shall be refunded. 
No show: If you make a reservation and do not cancel 36 hours ahead in writing, you shall be required to pay the fee in full price, in order to attend other CICC events. No refund will be given.


Please book ____seat(s) for the seminar "China and the Paradox of 100% Conformity" to be held on September 16th, 2009.



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