12th Interchamber Christmas Mixer in Shanghai, 6th December

Dear CICC Members and Friends,

We`re glad to invite you to attend the InterChamber Christmas Mixer 2016.

The InterChamber Christmas Mixer is celebrating its 12th anniversary. Join and bring your friends and colleagues to celebrate a multinational Christmas feast together, mingle with the Shanghai community, enjoy the buffet and drinks, dance to Paulaner‘s house band and much more at Paulaner Bräuhaus!

Venue:  Paulaner Bräuhaus Shanghai @ Expo

No. 555 Shibo Avenue, Pudong, Shanghai
上海宝莱纳世博店 世博大道555号


Paulaner Bräuhaus Shanghai @ Expo No. 555 Shibo Avenue, Pudong, Shanghai 上海宝莱纳世博店 世博大道555号
18:30 to 22:00
RSVP: infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com
Event language: 
175 RMB per person, incl. dinner buffet & two beverages (special drink deals during the event).

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