Next Events

23 Aprile 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) kindly invites you to take part in the next Monthly Networking Dinner.

The networking event will take place on Tuesday, April 23rd, at Bottega Fratelli Salvo in Shanghai, starting at 8:00 pm. Registration starts at 7:30 pm.

The dinner price includes food and drinks.



23 Aprile 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with the Consulate General of Italy in Guangzhou, is glad to invite you to the upcoming event "Technologies for the seismic protection and valorization of Cultural Heritage Assets" organized on the occasion of the Giornata della Ricerca Italiana nel Mondo - Italian Research Day in the World - that will be held on April 23rd at the Guangzhou International Cooperation Center.



14 Settembre 2011


Nanoforum si conferma quale punto d’incontro d’eccellenza per l`iinovazione e la promozione delle nuove opportunità di business offerte dalle nanotecnologie: un’occasione unica per aggiornarsi su tutte le più recenti applicazioni nel settore, entrare in contatto con esperti italiani e stranieri e sviluppare relazioni e trattative con potenziali partner commerciali.


13 Settembre 2011


Dear Members and Friends,


09 Settembre 2011

the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to present The 6th That`s PRD Food & Drink Awards 2011 organized by That`s PRD Magazine in collaboration with China-Italy Chamber of Commerce.

07 Settembre 2011


Dear Members and Friends,


01 Settembre 2011

China Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to present The 6th that’s PRD Food & Drink Awards 2011 organized by that’s PRD Magazine in collaboration with the China Italy Chamber of Commerce.



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