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18 Febbraio 2025

Let’s kick off the new year together, celebrate the Chinese New Year, and share some good laughs! This dinner is the perfect chance to reunite with old friends, meet new ones, and start the year with fresh energy. We can’t wait to gather and create new memories as we strengthen the bonds within our Suzhou Chapter community—because the best way to make the new year great is by reconnecting with the amazing people around us.

19 Febbraio 2025

Dear Members and Friends,

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is delighted to invite you to its next Monthly Networking dinner in Shanghai on February 19, 2025.

This event presents an invaluable opportunity for both Members and Non-Members to expand their professional network in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. Join us for an evening of meaningful conversations and valuable connections, all while enjoying authentic Italian cuisine.

27 Febbraio 2025

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce CICC is pleased to invite you to an InterChamber International Women's Day Mixer, organized by the AmCham Shanghai's Women's Executive Network (WEN), on Thursday, February 27, 2025, at 6:30 - 9:00 pm at Grand Hyatt Shanghai.

We will be celebrating International Women's Day with members of the 15 international Chambers and Associations. Join us to make new connections and catch up with friends over conversations and drinks!

17 Febbraio 2009


08 Febbraio 2009


Organizzatore:Reliable International Exhibition Service Co.,Ltd

21 Gennaio 2009
The China - Italy Chamber of Commerce, together with the China - Australia Chamber of Commerce and the Malaysian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, is glad to invite you to the Inter - Chamber Networking Event.
20 Gennaio 2009

China-Italy Chamber of Commerce and the Italian Institute of Culture are glad to invite you to the meeting on

 Europe - China Relations: Long Term Dynamics and Current Perspectives


15 Gennaio 2009

La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina, la Camera di Commercio Britannica del Guangdong & la Camera di Commercio Australiana - e la Camera di Commercio Tedesca in Cina-Canton sono liete di invitarvi a partecipare all`evento:

New Year Inter-Chamber Networking Drinks in Shenzhen

Bibite, Birra o Vino locale: RMB 50
Snack aggiuntivi

Indirizzo: Futian Shangri-La, 4088 Yi Tian Road, Futian District, Shenzhen (深圳福田区益田路4088号香格里拉大酒店)

14 Gennaio 2009

La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina, la Camera di Commercio Britannica del Guangdong & la Camera di Commercio Australiana - Cina del Sud sono liete di invitarvi a partecipare all`evento:

The 1st Inter-Chamber Net Working Drinks in 2009

Vino, Birra o Cocktails: RMB 35
Snack aggiuntivi

19 Dicembre 2008

La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina, il Consolato Generale d`Italia a Canton e l` ICE- Ufficio di Canton sono lieti di invitarVi al:

"Brindisi di Natale"

Che si terra` il giorno Venerdi` 19 Dicembre 2008 presso:
14th Floor, International Finance Place, Zhujiang New City, Huaxia Rd. 8 (广州市珠江新城华夏路8号合景国际金融广场14层)
Dalle ore 17,30 alle ore 19,00
Con il gentile contributo di: Oggi Trattoria-Pizzeria

15 Dicembre 2008
Dear Members,

To celebrate a Merry Christmas, the European Unione Chamber of Commerce in China, and the German Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, in association with the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, AustCham Shanghai, Austrian Trade, BenCham, the British Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, The Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, The Danish Chamber, DUSA European Association Suzhou, Finnish Business Council Shanghai, The French Chamber of Commerce, Hong-Kong Chamber of Commerce in China, Irish Business Forum Shanghai, Norwegian Business Asso


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