CICC MEWG meeting and election vice-coordinator Nov 24th

24 Ottobre 2017

Dear Members,
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite the members active in the specific industry to attend the CICC Mechanical Engineering Working Group (MEWG) meeting scheduled on November 24th, 2017. During the meeting, the election of the MEWG Vice-Coordinator will be carried on:

a) To candidate as Vice Coordinator:
1 - Supporting Members only can apply
2 - Send your candidacy to by November 13th, 2017

Here you can find general rules and voting procedures

b) To attend:
Send your confirmation to by November 13th, 2017 noontime specifying if you will attend in person or not.
The meeting will be held in Italian and English
During the meeting members will elect the MEWG Vice-Coordinator.  

DAY: November 24th, 2017
TIME: 16:00 - 18:00  
VENUE: Room 307, 3th floor U–Cube Center, Block 6, XinJian Building,

No. 631 Jiangning Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai

上海市静安区江宁路631号, 创想中心6号楼, 307室

​We invite you to the next MEWG event: DRIVE MY ELECTRIC CAR.

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