Panda d’Oro Gala Awards 2024 | Apply to be awarded!

09 Maggio 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is pleased to invite you to participate in the 13th edition of the Panda d’Oro Gala Awards as contestants to win the Panda d’Oro Prizes. The Awards Ceremony will be held on Saturday, June 15th, 2024 in Shanghai.

A total of ten prizes shall be awarded based on the guidelines detailed below.

Eight prizes are going to be awarded to one Italian company, as a member of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce. Two final awards will be presented to two Chinese companies that have best contributed to favorable economic growth for both countries.

Prizes are aimed at recognizing efficiency, best practices, and remarkable results of Italian Companies which have investments and a meaningful presence in China, and of Chinese Companies that have investments and a meaningful presence in Italy.

To be rewarded will be not only companies that have increased their competitiveness on the Chinese market, but also those that have invested in innovation, represented the excellence of Made in Italy, or implemented strategies with a sustainable impact on business, society and the environment - just to mention a few of the award categories.

The winning companies will be announced at the Gala Awards ceremony on June 15th, a unique event that gathers entrepreneurs and representatives from both Italian and Chinese institutions, widely covered by the Italian and Chinese Press, to raise awareness about Italian business in China.



  • Increase your visibility by showcasing your best initiatives and demonstrating your added value to the Italian community in China;
  • Show pride in your achievements and motivate your stakeholders and employees;
  • Meet high-level representatives from all industry sectors;
  • Help your business gain recognition and establish yourself as a responsible leader in your respective industries;
  • Benefit from extensive media and industry coverage for your company



Companies registered either in Italy or China, Members of CICC, or Friends of CICC according to the award category. The Selection Committee reserves the right to reject those applications that could damage the initiative and/or its promoters. The contest is open ONLY to Members of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce.



Evaluating 2023 Performances
















Download the “Application Form”


Contestants must send the “Application Form” (duly filled in all its parts) and any other additional reference materials to the CICC (Shanghai Office) at


Each company can apply in a maximum of two categories.


PLEASE NOTE that all information shared with the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce will remain strictly confidential and will be used for awarding purposes only.


The deadline for submitting your application is JUNE 3rd, 2024.


General Rules for the award application


For further information, do not hesitate to contact us at

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