
Chongqing High-Tech Fair

The Cina-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CCIC), in cooperation with the General Consulate of Italy in Chongqing, is glad to promote the 12th edition of the China Chongqing High-tech Fair, which will be held in Chongqing from April 21st to 24th 2016 at the International Convention & Exhibition Center 国际会展中心 (No. 2, Jiangnan Road, Nan'an District, Chongqing重庆市南岸区江南大道2号).

Chongqing High-Tech Fair

La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina (CCIC) in collaborazione con il Consolato Generale d’Italia in Chonging e’ lieta di promuovere la XII Edizione della China Chongqing High-tech Fair che si terra’ a Chongqing dal 21 al 24 Aprile 2016 presso l’International Convention & Exhibition Center 国际会展中心 (No. 2, Jiangnan Road, Nan'an District, Chongqing重庆市南岸区江南大道2号). 

中意商会 ,重庆一周年晚宴 - Post Event


在早上,也举行了中国意大利商会重庆办公室揭幕仪式,其中理事会代表,本地会员以及中国朋友们出席了仪式。办公室位于涉外商务区,毗邻外事办,由VMCF Atelier设计,具有实用及现代风格。

CQ 1st Anniversary Gala Dinner - Post Event

Saturday, January 23rd 2016 the China –Italy Chamber of Commerce celebrated the 1st Anniversary in Chongqing at Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel.

In the morning, local members, Board representatives and Chinese friends gathered, for the official office opening, at the CICC office. 

The CICC is located in the Foreign Business District, next to the Foreign Affairs Office, designed by VMCF Atelier’s architects in a modern and functional style.

CQ 1st Anniversary Gala Dinner - Post Event

Sabato 23 Gennaio 2016, presso l’hotel Radisson Blu Plaza Chongqing, si e’ svolto il Gala Dinner della Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina in occasione del 1 ̊ Anniversario delle proprie attivita’ a Chongqing.

Nello stesso giorno, si e’ tenuta anche l’inaugurazione dell’ufficio CCIC Chongqing cui hanno partecipato i rappresentanti del Consiglio Direttivo, i Soci locali e gli amici cinesi. Situato nel Foreign Business District, in prossimita’ degli Uffici del Foreign Affairs Office, l’ufficio e’ stato progettato da VMCF Atelier con uno stile funzionale e moderno.


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