Call for tender

20 August 2020

Cari Soci, cari Amici,


All’interno del progetto “Chamber Mentoring for International Growth: Stay Export” – finalizzato all’orientamento e assistenza alle Pmi in Italia in raccordo col sistema camerale italiano - la Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina sarà coinvolta nell’organizzazione di webinar informativi.

27 July 2020

Dear Members and Friends of CICC,

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to announce that the Masterclass "History and Tradition of Italian cheese" will be held in Shanghai on September 5th, 2020

29 September 2020

Dear Members and Friends of CICC,

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to announce that the "Italian pasta and spices Masterclass" will be held in Chongqing on September 29th, 2020, the event is part of the project "True Italian Taste".


13 July 2020

Cari Soci, cari Amici,


La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina prenderà parte ad un progetto finalizzato all’informazione, orientamento e assistenza alle Pmi in Italia in raccordo col sistema camerale italiano.

19 September 2020

Dear Members and Friends of CICC,

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to announce that “Authentic Italian Table”, will be held in Guangzhou on September 19th, 2020.

In particular, the CICC is looking for different vendors that can provide the following services:

07 July 2020

Dear Members and Friends of CICC,

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce informs you that the Accredited Italian Embassy School in Beijing is looking for a qualified catering company to provide catering services for the 2020-21 school year.



05 June 2020

Cari Soci e Amici,

L'Ambasciata d'Italia nella R.P.C., insieme alla Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina (CCIC) e all'AGIC (Associazione Giovani Italiani in Cina), organizza il Career Day 2020 in data venerdì, 26 giugno.

Quest'anno l'evento si terrà online: la prima parte del Career Day sarà dedicata a un webinar informativo, seguita dalla presentazione delle offerte di lavoro.

04 June 2020

Dear Members and Friends of CICC,

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), in cooperation with German Chamber of Commerce in China|Shanghai, is going to organize a Seminar on Monday 6th of July, focused on

CSR Activities and Impacts of the Automotive Sector amid COVID-19

27 May 2020

Dear Members and Friends of CICC,

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is organizing the event “Festival Italiano”, that will be held from July 2nd till July 5th, at Columbia Circle, in Shanghai.​




03 June 2020

Dear Members and Friends of CICC,

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to inform you that the Webinar “Process to apply the Chinese Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card” will be held online on June 18th, 2020.

CICC is looking for speakers with experience or academic background in the field related to the topic of discussion.


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