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China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) asks for your valued opinion about CICC services.
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Dear Members and Friends,
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) would like to inform that the EU SME Centre – the European Centre for the Small and Medium Enterprises - is looking for a web developer provider for the development of a Self-Diagnosis Tool (SDT).
CICC, as a Leading Partner of EU SME Centre, will support in the provider’s selection process.
The SDT will enable European SMEs to make a prior assessment of their readiness to develop their presence on the Chinese market. The SDT will be based on a similar tool already available on the website, called Starter Kit: https://www.eusmecentre.org.cn/quiz.
The SDT will have the same structure of the Starter Kit. Specifically:
- General quiz, formed by 20 questions, divided into 4 groups
- Four specific quizzes, each formed by 10-15 questions divided into 2 groups (basic/advanced), specifically:
Under each quiz, each question will have 5 possible answers. Each answer is assigned a certain score.
After the completion of each quiz, users will receive a final score based on the points collected from the questions answered. There are five possible scoring ranges (e.g. 0% - 20%; 20% - 40%, etc.); each scoring range will lead to a specific description / assessment of results.
In the same page, the list of all the questions answered under the quiz will be provided. When clicking on each individual question, a detailed description of the answer will appear, including a list of other relevant readings and reports FAQs.
There will also need to be a button allowing the possibility to download / send the report by email.
The overall design of the previous Starter Kit can be maintained – though a few minor changes to the final page showed after the completion of each quiz will be required. Still, we would like to hear your opinions on whether the design can be improved in some parts.
The SDT will need to generate more clicks and readings of other content of the EU SME Centre’s website. Therefore, an analytics tool will be needed to track with extreme accuracy aspects such as:
The SDT will need to be completed, approved and officially launched by March 2021. The first version should already be completed for trial and testing in the first half of February 2021.
In the future, the SDT might need to be updated.
Application Process
Send an e-mail to bj.rsvp@cameraitacina.com and info@eusmecentre.org.cn inclusive of:
The application deadline is Friday, 15 January 2021.
Following internal evaluation made according to the service's requirements and the proposed quotation, CICC will revert to you regarding the tender’s result.
For any technical question regarding the tender or further details required, please send an email to bj.rsvp@cameraitacina.com and info@eusmecentre.org.cn.
Participation Terms
Selection criteria
About the EU SME Centre
The EU SME Centre is an EU-funded initiative that provides a comprehensive range of hands-on support services to European small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), getting them ready to do business in China.
The EU SME Centre provides advice and support in four areas – business development, law, standards and conformity and human resources. Collaborating with external experts worldwide, the Centre converts valuable knowledge and experience into practical business tools and services easily accessible online. From first-line advice to in-depth technical solutions, we offer services through:
Kind regards,
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