Latest News

26 九月 2024

We are officially calling for candidates for the elections of the Coordinator and Vice-Coordinators of the Healthcare Working Group (CICC HCWG)...

26 九月 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is pleased to announce the launch of its 2025 Membership Campaign, starting on October 1st, 2024.

24 九月 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is pleased to announce the candidates for the FBWG Extra-ordinary Election 2024-25.

Convocazione dell`Assemblea Ordinaria Annuale
18 十二月 2013

Cari Soci,

CONVOCAZIONE dell’ ASSEMBLEA (art. 11 dello Statuto)

Summary of Chinese employment laws for 2013 - Post Event
18 十二月 2013

Dear Members, dear Friends,


The Italian Gala Dinner 2013
16 十二月 2013


Dear Guests and Partners,

Thank you for being with us for this important event of the Italian and Chinese business communities.
You can see the Gala pictures on the following link:


Deloitte China Sustainability Awards
13 十二月 2013

Dear Members,


Candy Christmas Gala Dinner - Guangzhou
09 十二月 2013

Dear Members, Dear Friends,

Thank you for attending the Candy Christmas Gala Dinner on December 7th at Shangri-La Hotel, Guangzhou.


02 十二月 2013




本书的销售收入将全部捐赠给慈善组织WILL 基金会。

Italian Gala Dinner 2013
02 十二月 2013



Cari Soci, cari Amici

Un sincero ringraziamento per la Vostra numerosa partecipazione al consueto appuntamento del Gala Dinner Italiano a Pechino, svoltosi lo scorso Sabato 30 Novembre all’Hotel The Peninsula Beijing.



Friend of Suzhou Award
18 十一月 2013


Abbiamo il piacere di congratularci con Fabio Antonello che il 29 Settembre u.s. e’ stato insignito del “Friend of Suzhou Award” da parte della municipalita’ di Suzhou.



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