Latest News

06 十二月 2024

Cari Soci, con la presente si convoca l’Assemblea Elettiva suppletiva per l’elezione della carica di Provibiro.

04 十二月 2024

On December 6th, Faema, in cooperation with 2 Open, are pleased to invite you to a Faema offline "coffee" sharing event at Lavazza coffee shop on...

04 十二月 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce extends its heartfelt gratitude to our Financial Sponsors and Food & Beverage Sponsors for the 16th Suzhou...

Training Course for Retail Store Manager - Commercial Sector in China
10 四月 2012

Dear Members and Friends,


The CICC is glad to introduce you the “ Training course for Retail Store Manager – Commercial Sector in China” to be held in July 2012 at LUISS University Campus in Rome and organized by LUISS Business School – Divisione LUISS Guido Carli.

CEIBS Foreign Report 2012
09 四月 2012

Dear Member, Dear Friends


L`IPR Helpdesk incontra Confindustria
09 四月 2012


Si informa che il Responsabile dell`IPR Desk a Pechino terrà una serie di incontri organizzati dalle Associazioni Confindustriali sotto riportate nel corso della settimana dal 16 al 20 aprile 2012.

28 三月 2012

今天,中意基金会主席 Cesare Romiti 和我商会主席古楚壁在北京的意大利使馆签订了一份框架协议,在场的还有意大利驻华大使严农祺,该协议旨在发展双方的合作,以推进和拓展意大利和中国的关系。

由我商会设立的‘金熊猫奖’旨在奖励意大利企业和中国企业分别在中国和意大利取得的成就。 意中基金会和中国意大利商会在该奖项上已经有三年密切及丰富的合作关系。 该奖项截至今年已经是第三届。

Corri con Noi nella "Squadra Italiana"!
20 三月 2012

Cari amici e soci,


la CCIC ed il Consolato Generale d’Italia a Shanghai sono lieti di annunciare che, il prossimo 15 aprile,  si terrà a Shanghai la New Balance Jinqiao 8k

Mass in Suffrage for Avv. Luca Birindelli
13 三月 2012

Dear Members and Friends,


As many of you know, our good friend and a founding member of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, Luca Birindelli passed away in Rome on March 8th.


Invest in Fujian Seminar
13 三月 2012

Dear Members,



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