Next Events

19 February 2025

Dear Members and Friends,

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is delighted to invite you to its next Monthly Networking dinner in Shanghai on February 19, 2025.

The event will take place on Wednesday, February 19, 2025 at Scarpetta (33 Mengzi Lu, near Xujiahui Lu, Huangpu, Shanghai/蒙自路33号, 近徐家汇路) 

21 February 2025

This event is brought you by CICC Member: 

The European House-Ambrosetti

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) together with its member Ambrosetti China wish to offer CICC Members the possibility to connect and join the Webinar Live with Lucio Caracciolo (Director, Limes and School of Limes) titled: Revolution underway. Trump's first month, which will be held on next Friday 21 February 2025, 19.00– 20.00 Beijing time (12.00 – 13.00 Rome time).

27 February 2025

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce CICC is pleased to invite you to an InterChamber International Women's Day Mixer, organized by the AmCham Shanghai's Women's Executive Network (WEN), on Thursday, February 27, 2025, at 6:30 - 9:00 pm at Grand Hyatt Shanghai.

We will be celebrating International Women's Day with members of the 15 international Chambers and Associations. Join us to make new connections and catch up with friends over conversations and drinks!

26 March 2008


Organizer:CIEC Exhibition Co.,Ltd

26 March 2008

The French Chamber, Italian Chamber, Amcham-China, German Chamber, and BenCham are pleased ti invite you to a breakfast meeting on Wednesday March 26th in the Kerry Center Hotel on the topic:

Corporate Credit Risk Management in China

21 March 2008
L’Ambasciata d’Italia informa che in occasione dei 150 anni della nascita di Giacomo Puccini il Nuovo Teatro Nazionale (a fianco all’Assemblea del Popolo) organizza, in collaborazione con la Fondazione Festival Pucciniano, delle rappresentazioni dell’opera “Turandot” dal 21 al 26 marzo prossimi.

Su richiesta dell’Ambasciata il Teatro offre alla comunità italiana la possibilità di acquistare 500 biglietti con uno sconto del 5% per gli spettacoli di domenica 23 marzo alle ore 14.00 e di mercoledì 26 marzo alle ore 19.30.
21 March 2008


Organizer: China National Garment Association, China World Trade Center Co.,Ltd, CCPIT Textile Industry Sub-Council

21 March 2008
Organizer: Shanghai Education Technology Association Shibo Group
Tel: 0086-21-64832491
Web site:
21 March 2008


Organizer:Academy of Broadcasting Science SARFT, China Cable TV Network Company

20 March 2008


Organizer:China B&D Tiger Exhibition Co.,Ltd

20 March 2008


Organizer: China B&D Tiger Exhibition Co.,Ltd


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