Summer School 2013 - Executive Education Training Program

01 March 2013

Dear Members, dear Friends


The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is pleased to inform you that the 2013 Edition of the Summer Institute on Climate Change and Environmental Protection (SICCEP) and Summer Institute on Intellectual Property Rights and China (IP-China) will be held at Peking University, School of Government in Beijing from the 6th July to the 3rd August 2013 (first term) and from the 20th July to the 17th August 2013 (second term).


University of Milan, Department of Italian and Supranational Public Law, University of Turin, Department of Law and Edge Hill University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Law & Criminology have set up a Summer School in China – Executive Education Training Program to be held at Peking University School of Government in Beijing (China) with two parallel curricula to be held in two different terms. This program is organized in partnership with Lund University Faculty of Political Sciences in
Sweden, University of Provence Aix Marseille I - CNRS Centre of Comparative Epistemology and Ergology in France. 

The first curriculum is called “Summer Institute on Climate Change and Environmental Protection” (SICCEP) or more precisely Law, Policy, Economics and Technology on Climate Change and Environmental issues: European and Chinese Perspectives. It addresses issues such as energy policies, environment law and sustainable development, intellectual property and technology innovation. The second curriculum is called “Summer Institute on Intellectual Property Rights and China” (IP-China). 


The summer course will include the following topics:


- Introduction to Chinese Law, Institutions, and Politics
- Global Environmental Governance
- Governance of Energy Transitions: Towards a Low-Carbon Sustainable Society
- Environment, Science, and Society:a Philosophical Introduction
- Law, Policy, and Economics of Climate Change
- Introduction to Chinese Intellectual Property Law and Technology Transfer

- European, American, and Chinese Approaches to Intellectual Property Rights and Competition Policy


The deadline is fixed for the 25th March 2013.

If interested in knowing more, please refer to the brochure of the program.


Queries can be addressed to :



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