





1. 中国意大利商会工作组的成立需获得中国意大利商会董事会的批准。

2. 成立了一个工作组应该建立在足够数量成员的基础上,并且组成工作组的会员必须是属于同一商业领域或补充性的商业领域。同时,也可以通过地理区域的划分(相对于行业区分)来建立一个工作小组。

3. 工作组会议需定期举行。参加工作组会议的成员应该具有中国意大利商会会员资格。在了解其目的和意图之后,非中国意大利商会会员方可被允许参与工作组会议。非会员可能会被邀请作为演讲者或参与者参加会议。

Chinese, Simplified

Our Working Groups!

The Working Groups gather companies working within the same industry offering them the possibility to meet on a regular basis to share ideas, problems and resources, in order to work in a more efficient way, develop new projects and empower their visibility thanks to the sinergy with the CICC.


CICC Work Groups general rules


1. A Working Group of the CICC ("WG") may be established only upon approval of the Board (“Consiglio”, ref. Articles of Association) of CICC.


The hidden health effects of VOCs and diesel engine emissions - Videos by the Clean Air Alliance of China

CICC is glad to draw your attention to 2 videos created by the Clean Air Alliance of China. The 2 short videos aim to provide more information about the hidden health effects of VOCs and diesel engine emissions.

The hidden health effects of VOCs and diesel engine emissions - Videos by the Clean Air Alliance of China

CICC is glad to draw your attention to 2 videos created by the Clean Air Alliance of China. The 2 short videos aim to provide more information about the hidden health effects of VOCs and diesel engine emissions.

The hidden health effects of VOCs and diesel engine emissions - Videos by the Clean Air Alliance of China

CICC is glad to draw your attention to 2 videos created by the Clean Air Alliance of China. The 2 short videos aim to provide more information about the hidden health effects of VOCs and diesel engine emissions.

Buyers' Night November 24th

On November 3rd, China-Italy Chamber of Commerce organized the Buyers’ Night, an exclusive tasting and networking event.

Buyers' Night November 24th

On November 3rd, China-Italy Chamber of Commerce organized the Buyers’ Night, an exclusive tasting and networking event.

Buyers' Night November 24th

On November 3rd, China-Italy Chamber of Commerce organized the Buyers’ Night, an exclusive tasting and networking event.

Ambasciata d'Italia a Pechino

Indirizzo: San Li Tun, 2 Dong Er Jie - 100600 Pechino
Centralino: 0086-1085327600 (h. 9.00-17.00)
Telefoni d’emergenza: (lunedì - venerdì h. 17.00-9.00; sabato, domenica e festivi h 24) 0086-13901032957
Sito web:

Istituto Italiano di Cultura

Presenti nelle principali città dei cinque continenti, i 90 Istituti Italiani di Cultura attualmente operativi sono un ideale luogo di incontro e di dialogo per intellettuali, artisti ed altri operatori culturali, ma anche per i semplici cittadini, sia italiani che stranieri, che vogliano instaurare o mantenere un rapporto con il nostro Paese.


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