Dear Members, dear Customers
China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) asks for your valued opinion about CICC services.
Please fill in the questionnaire.
The China–Italy Chamber of Commerce would like to invite you to take part in The 6th Census of Italian Places I Love promoted by FAI-Fondo Ambiente Italiano – a nonprofit foundation that works to protect the Italian art and natural heritage in association with Intesa Sanpaolo.
The 6th Census consists of indicating, by 31st October 2012, the Italian place you love. It should be that unique place, visited, studied or even just dreamt about to which you feel drawn and that you would like to protect and safeguard forever.
The more people who voluntarily mobilise for a place, the more FAI can take concrete action to follow up the indication, to protect and safeguard the places you love.
To vote for the Italian place you love, please follow this link.