Latest News

23 September 2024

ANNUNCIO RISULTATI Assemblea Supplettiva - Cariche di Vice Presidente e Consigliere Pechino 2024-2026

21 September 2024

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to the XI Edition of the signature yearly event Notte Italiana, on November 23rd at the ...

20 September 2024

La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina (CCIC) è lieta di informarvi che, venerdì 20 settembre, è stato ufficialmente inaugurato il Padiglione ...

Forum di Scambio e Cooperazione per le PMI Cina (provincia dell’Hebei) & Italia - 19 novembre 2019
21 November 2019

La Camera di commercio Cina-Italia (CCIC) è lieta di annunciare che il "Forum di Scambio e Cooperazione per le PMI Cina (provincia dell’Hebei) & Italia" si è svolto con successo a Milano il 19 Novembre.

POST EVENT - Chef Luigi Nastri at "回家吃饭" (Hui jia chi fan) - CCTV2
19 November 2019

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to inform you that on the occasion of the 4th Week of the Italian Cuisine in the World, Chef Luigi Nastri shot 2 episodes of the CCTV2 program “回家吃饭” Hui Jia Chi Fan, a cooking show with about 30 million viewers in China.

POST EVENT: "CICC Shanghai New Office Opening" - November 18, 2019
18 November 2019

POST EVENT: "CICC Shanghai New Office Opening" - November 18, 2019

POST EVENT - Workshop "Le nuove frontiere dell’alimentazione infantile: punto di vista dello Chef Stellato Luigi Nastri e metodologie a confronto" - 17 Novembre, Pechino
17 November 2019

Cari Soci e Amici della CCIC, 

La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina (CCIC) in co-organizzazione con l’Ambasciata d'Italia nella RPC ed in collaborazione con la Scuola Italiana Paritaria d’Ambasciata di Pechino è lieta di annunciarvi che il workshop "Le nuove frontiere dell’alimentazione infantile: punto di vista dello Chef Stellato Luigi Nastri e metodologie a confronto" nell'ambito della "IV Settimana della Cucina Italiana nel Mondo" si è svolto con successo il girono 17 novembre presso l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura.

POST EVENT- Notte Italiana 2019, Beijing - 16th November 2019
16 November 2019

On November 16th, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), held the annual gala dinner "Notte Italiana", at Park Hyatt Hotel, Beijing.

Post Event - Seminario "Spreco alimentare: la nuova sfida mondiale parte dalle nostre abitudini, consigli pratici per affrontare la crisi ecologica e sociale dello spreco alimentare" - 13 Novembre, Pechino
13 November 2019

Cari Soci e Amici,

La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina (CICC) in co-organizzazione con l’Ambasciata d’Italia nella RPC è lieta di annunciarvi che il seminario "Spreco Alimentare: la nuova sfida mondiale parte dalle nostre abitudini, consigli pratici per affrontare la crisi ecologica e sociale dello spreco alimentare" si è svolto con successo in data 13 novembre presso l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura.

POST EVENT - SGSO Monthly Informal Meeting Shanghai, 12th of November 2019
13 November 2019

POST EVENT - SGSO Monthly Informal Meeting Shanghai, 12th of November 2019

SICAB activities - October & November
06 November 2019

Dear Members and Friends,

The CICC is glad to announce that SICAB activities were successfully held in Beijing (October 14th to 18th and October 29th to November 1st) and Shanghai (October 21st to 25th). SICAB (Sino-Italian Capacity Building for Environmental Protection) is a higher education program organised by the Italian Ministry of Environment within the framework of the Sino-Italian Cooperation Program for Environmental Protection (SICP).

"ZIBO INDUSTRIAL PARK: Exploring New Opportunities in Smart Manufacturing, Ceramics and Medical Devices", November 6th, SH
06 November 2019

Local Government of Zibo with the support of GWA Greatway Advisory - ZIBO Industrial Park: Exploring New Opportunities in Smart Manufacturing, Ceramics and Medical Devices - November 6, 2019 - Shanghai

CICC Membership Campaign for the year 2020 is officially open!
01 November 2019

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce that the Membership Campaign for the year 2020 is officially open!


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